Sorry I have not updated in a very long while. I spent a lot of time with my oldest kitty because I knew she was going to have to leave us. We were blessed to have her for 20 years and she crossed the rainbow bridge on August 11, 2018.
I did get to do some classes at Schoolism like Introduction to Digital Painting with Andrew Hou, Digital Painting & Painting Creatures with Bobby Chiu. These 2 classes helped me with learning Photoshop again and tips and tricks for shortcuts on the keyboard and a bit about color, values and saturation that I had been struggling with. I also did Painting with Light and Color with Dice Tsutsumi and Robert Kondo and Designing with Color and Light with Nathan Fowkes which also helped me with color a lot too. I had to stop doing my lighting class because I just didn’t understand color theory and all it entails, but now I got the hang of it thanks to all these other classes, so I redid lessons 1-3 of Sam Nielson’s Fundamentals Of Lighting.
Lesson 1 was Lighting schemes and advanced Lambertian Reflection
Lesson 2 was Light and Surface Color
Lesson 3 was Specular Reflection, Fresnel reflections and many more. We also learned to paint the unseen. This one was very intimidating to me. I painted the chrome ball, the cylinder and bean thing.
I also did an ear study and eye studies.
And so
I also painted some of my Drawlloween from 2017 for 2018 Halloween